Will the new approaches be helpful to my child?
Whenever we hear about Autism intervention, we come across many therapies like Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Special Education etc. One of the widely used therapies in the past has been Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA).
With a lot of research being done in the past decade, the course of Autism treatment is changing. It is moving from traditional table top therapies to naturistic approaches of interacting with the child without putting much demands on the child. The new approaches to Autism intervention focuses on developing inner motivation in the child compared to traditional approach of purely focussing on static skill development.
In the Autism awareness month, PlayStreet Specially Abled Educare Trust brings FREE camps for families to experience the latest therapies first hand with their children. This will help families to understand a new perspective on naturalistic and effective interventions.
Oral Placement Therapy
Date: 7th April 2018
Time: 9:30 am to 12:00 pm
What will help your child who does not talk or has feeding difficulties?
This camp is helpful for children with feeding difficulties, picky eating, and challenges in tooth brushing, having no speech and childhood apraxia of speech.
The camp will give an experience on:
- Motivation
- Retrieval
- Motor planning
- Production
- Oral Tactile Sensitivity
- Show how the tools are used – Massages, Chewy Tube, Horn, Bubbles and Straw – Connection of all these tools to speech.
Handwriting without Tears
Date: 14th April 2018
Time: 9:30 am to 12:00 pm
What Will Help Your Child To Learn How to Write Without Frustrating Them?
This camp is helpful for children who have difficulty in letter formation, poor motivation, and incorrect posture for writing tasks.
The camp will give an experience on:
- Visual Perception
- Multi-sensory approach addressing different learning styles
- Unique letter order
- Physical Approach
Hanen & RDI
Date: 28th April 2018
Time: 9:30 am to 1:00 pm
What Will Help My Child Who Speaks But does not have conversations?
This camp is helpful for children who mainly use need based communication, limited usage of vocabulary and lacking in spontaneous communication. It will help families to understand importance of emotional development leading to readiness in the social setup.
The camp will give an experience on:
- Strategies for meaningful and natural interaction with your child
- Building communication and enriching language
- Foundations of Social & Relationship Development