Primitive reflexes are automatic movements that emerge in infancy and play a crucial role in the development of motor skills, sensory processing, and overall neurological functioning. While these reflexes serve a vital purpose during early life, they should ideally integrate as a child grows, allowing for the emergence of more advanced skills and abilities.

At Primitive Reflex Integration, we offer a wealth of knowledge about primitive reflexes and their significance in human development. Our platform provides detailed explanations of individual reflexes, their purpose, and their typical developmental timeline. We explore the potential consequences of retained reflexes beyond the expected integration period, highlighting the potential impact on various aspects of daily life.

Primitive Reflex Integration gives you the necessary knowledge, tools, and guidance. Together, we can unlock the potential for growth, learning, and overall well-being by promoting the integration of primitive reflexes.


When and why do you need OT consultation for Primitive reflexes retainment?

Consulting an occupational therapist for primitive reflex retention is typically recommended in the following situations:

Delayed development: If a child’s motor skills, such as crawling, walking, or hand-eye coordination, are significantly delayed compared to their peers, it may be necessary to consult an occupational therapist. Primitive reflex retention can contribute to delays in motor development.

Poor coordination and balance: Persistent primitive reflexes can affect a child’s balance, coordination, and overall movement skills. If a child consistently displays difficulties with tasks such as sitting upright, maintaining balance, or coordinating their movements, an occupational therapist can provide appropriate assessment and intervention.

Learning difficulties: Some primitive reflexes, such as the Moro reflex, can interfere with a child’s ability to concentrate and learn. If a child is experiencing learning difficulties, attention problems, or challenges with focus and concentration, it may be helpful to consult an occupational therapist to assess whether primitive reflex retention is contributing to these issues.

Sensory processing difficulties: Primitive reflexes are closely tied to the sensory system. If a child displays hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity to sensory input (such as touch, movement, or sound), it may be necessary to consult an occupational therapist. They can evaluate how primitive reflex retention may be impacting sensory processing and provide strategies to improve sensory integration.

Motor planning and execution issues: Children with retained primitive reflexes may struggle with planning and executing complex motor tasks. They may have difficulty with activities requiring fine motor skills, such as tying shoelaces, using utensils, or writing. Occupational therapists can assess and address these motor planning difficulties.

It’s important to note that every child develops at their own pace, and the presence of primitive reflexes alone may not necessarily indicate a problem. However, if you have concerns about your child’s motor development, coordination, learning, or sensory processing, consulting an occupational therapist is a good step to take. They can conduct a thorough evaluation, provide intervention strategies, and collaborate with other professionals to support your child’s overall development.

PlayStreet’s approach to PRI

The first approach to retained primitive reflexes is an in-depth evaluation of the child focusing on the gross motor, fine motor, sensory processing, cognition, and Activities of daily living (ADL). The goal setting is based on in-depth interviews and standardized assessments and in collaboration with other therapists. We also include Augmentative and alternate communication (AAC) and RDI components in our therapies to improve your children’s holistic development. The intervention program includes activities incorporating patterns of primitive reflex inhibiting patterns in different areas of development thereby increasing their quality of life.